The Greenspring Review (GSR) is a student-run organization on campus at Stevenson University that also serves as a digital literary magazine.

According to Scott Gray, a staff member of the magazine, “The review gained club status in November 2018, but the magazine dates back to the fall of 2016. Every issue is comprised of poetry, stories, photography and other works of original student-submitted art.”
The Greenspring Review has two faculty advisors, Amanda Licastro, assistant professor of English who serves as the digital publishing advisor, and Meagan Nyland, senior lecturer in English who serves as the editorial advisor. According to Licastro, “When I was hired, we switched the Greenspring Review from a print publication and moved it onto WordPress so that students could practice some of the skills that they needed for internships.”
The organization’s advisors believe that the publication has many benefits for students on campus. According to Jordan Mitchell, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, “This position is very beneficial for SU students who do not have a lot of professional experience to put on their curriculum vitae (CV) or resumes.” Licastro noted that some other benefits that the Greenspring Review offers include improving editing, publishing, and digital skills.

Along with these benefits, the Greenspring Review allows students to be very hands-on. Students run the meetings, and the organization hosts two release parties: one in the beginning of the semester and one a week or two before finals.
According to Mitchell, “A lot of students think that the Greenspring Review staff only read and edit authors’ work, but a lot more actually goes into the role. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes brainstorming and planning that goes into the themes of the semester, the submission guidelines, advertising, and events. I would encourage anybody interested in the GSR to reach out and see what positions are open, or what positions they can create based on their own skill sets.”
The review is currently accepting submissions in the following categories, according to the website:
PoemsShort storiesScripts and screenplaysMemoirs/personal essaysCreative essaysSpeechesSong lyricsJournalistic pieces/professional writing (sports commentaries, movie reviews, book reviews, video games reviews, etc.) Art Photography Fashion design (original sketches, photos of completed work) Short films Music
The Greenspring Review is searching for new editors for the upcoming fall semester. All students can join by emailing the Greenspring Review at