The gates at Owings Mills campus closes at 8 p.m. and students need to scan their student ID to gain entrance to the campus. (Photo by Wornden Ly)
By: Amy Dell and Jasmine Méndez-Paredes
After a stunning and cinematic series of events at Worthington Hall on Nov. 11 a student has been banned from Residence Life buildings and another person is facing possible trespassing charges. All of this after an alleged assailant leaped through a window and ran shirtless into the woods to evade security officers and police,
The incident began when campus security was informed that an individual who had previously been prohibited from campus for violent behavior was back in the residence halls.
The arrival of the officers at approximately 1:25 p.m. caused the young man to flee the scene through the second-story window of the residence hall and then cling to the surface of the structure.

“He tore the screen apart, and like jumped out, scaled the building, and then ran through the woods towards Caves,” said Cassidy Butler, a junior who witnessed the event. “A lot of people saw this …shirtless dude, scaling the building, and it was in broad daylight,” she said.
Joseph Dubiel, the security shift supervisor during the incident commented, “I’ve been here six years… I’ve handled trespassing before, but I’ve never had a trespassing [case] that led to a foot pursuit like this incident,” he said. The security officer also refused to divulge the identities of those connected to the incident. “For the protection of all the parties involved, I don’t feel comfortable releasing info of any witnesses or suspects.”
Steve Gossage, Director of Security and Transportation at Stevenson, could not be reached for comment.
The young man who was arrested on Nov. 11 had been well known to security since 2019. That year he struck the same female student from whose room he had fled. Then, the student was still in her freshman year at Stevenson. The violence “is a recurring thing,” said a source.
The suspect was a scorned lover who carried on an infatuation with the student. Friends of hers said she only saw him as “a friend.” This difference led to a tempestuous relationship that continued through several years at Stevenson.
Security became involved again in October of 2021. On the night of Oct. 8, that year the alleged assailant “beat (the student),” said an anonymous witness. After he briefly left the premises, she invited him back to her room, something she quickly regretted.
At 3 a.m. he became so frightening to the student she knocked on her roommate’s door looking for a safe place. “She asked to stay in my room,” the roommate said. “She was a little scared. She was saying that the guy was getting angry and very belligerent with her in a lot of ways.”
The roommate called security to escort the man from the apartment. Once outside, he became aggressive once again. “He tried to fight security,” a witness said. Campus Security called the police who arrested the alleged assailant at the scene. According to a witness close to the scene, he was charged for assaulting both the student and the guard.
Later that day, the young man “threatened everyone who lived in the apartment” when speaking to police or security, a roommate said. Campus Security notified the students involved but gave no details regarding the content of the remarks.
Threats turned into actions after Nov. 11 of this year. The young man left malicious and deceitful voicemails, according to sources close to the situation. The messages falsely accused one of the roommates of illegal drug use and drinking on campus. Those accusations prompted an investigation by security and the Residence Director. It appears the intent of the voicemails was to cause punitive action against the victim, a Nursing student.
The victim of the physical assaults soon found herself in hot water with both the Security and Residence Life offices where officials were concerned that she repeatedly invited the young man back to her on-campus living quarters even though she was aware of his prohibited status.
Since the November incident, the third, she has been banned from living on campus.
This has only prompted more threats of violence, this time from the student to the roommates who tried to protect her. After her removal from the apartment, she blamed her fate on her roommates.
A source confirmed the student said, “she wanted to beat [one of the roommates] up if she ever saw [her] on campus.”
It’s unclear what legal action is facing the young man, but the roommates of this Stevenson apartment aren’t backing down. Through assaults, threats, and attacks on their character the three remaining young women in the apartment are attempting to finish the semester without further turmoil.
“With the amount of control that [Campus Security] has here, they did a really good job. It’s just the fact that we have an open campus, so even though he’s banned …. there’s no way of guaranteeing that he’s not going to find a way back,” said one of the roommates.
Please report any suspicious activity on campus to security at 443-352-4500, by pressing “0” on any on-campus phone, or by using a blue emergency phone.
This is an ongoing issue. The Villager will update this article as details emerge.