Adam Sawyers, first-year accounting major and volleyball enthusiast
Adam Sawyers
Adam Sawyers
Sabina Moran

“The academic transition from high school to college was rather easy, as I always tried to stay ahead and do a little extra work in preparation for college. Longer-term projects and time management were definitely tougher tasks than I was ready for. Last semester, I found myself still playing a lot of catch-up during finals week and the week leading up to it. Being on my own schedule and having the freedom I haven’t had until coming here has been a lot of fun, but understanding the responsibility that has come with it has really been the biggest task.

“I’m definitely enjoying it here, I feel I’ve been in a good place to push myself out of my comfort zone and find a community here way sooner than I would’ve thought. I’ve definitely grown personally a lot already this year, made a lot of connections and have enjoyed setting a foundation for my career. Of course, playing volleyball here and bonding with the team has been a major and memorable part of the year so far. I’m also looking forward to the rest of the time I have here, getting to play volleyball, making memories and winning with the team. Traveling with my team and spending time around campus with my friends has been a major highlight so far. I’ve had a lot of good times and laughs already on the road and around campus with friends and teammates.

“I’m also interested in forensic accounting and investigating white-collar crimes. If not, after I’ve gotten some experience, I’d like to work high up in some sort of small business that makes a difference within its community. I definitely want to travel a little and live elsewhere. Maryland is my home, but I definitely want experience elsewhere too. I’d like to live somewhere warmer, maybe out in California or in the Carolinas, but likely I’ll end up coming and living back in Baltimore County or even the city.

“My future self is probably focused on my career, coaching volleyball somewhere and staying close with all my friends from here. I wanted to go into a profession that makes a difference and helps people. I realized I was good with numbers and enjoyed accounting work, and I also realized that I didn’t want to go into the medical field or through the schooling other professions require. Learning more about the accounting field, I realized I could still do that in the right areas, especially within small businesses. As for why I plan to move away before settling down back at home, I believe there’s a lot to learn about the world and people when you get experience in different places. I’ve always lived within the same 20-minute radius in Baltimore County, so much so that Owings Mills feels like a whole new place, so I think going somewhere much further away would be a good life experience. I really enjoy everything around the sport of volleyball, and looking forward, I’ll probably end up coaching a lot more when I can and playing in adult leagues and open gyms here and there. At most personally, I hope to stay connected with all my friends I’ve made here at Stevenson.”

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About the Contributor
Abigail Gillespie
Abigail Gillespie, Reporter

Abigail is a senior business communication major with a minor in fashion merchandising. She is originally from Woodbine, Maryland, but spends the majority of her summers in Fenwick Island, Delaware. Currently, Abigail works part-time for her county, working with youth sports as well as styling brides on the side. After she graduates, she hopes to develop a career in the fashion industry. Abigail’s dream job is to be a buyer for a high-end fashion brand and potentially work in interior design.

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