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SU Greek Week powderpuff game just for fun

Sororities and fraternities kicked off the annual powderpuff game, black team secures a win
SU Greek Week powderpuff game just for fun



Shannon O’Hara is describing the sports event taking place.


Hi, my name is Shannon O’Hara and I’m here with Miya Reed, and todaywe’re covering the annual Greek Week Powderpuff game here in the apartment quad at Stevenson University. We’re excited to have you follow us along the entire game.

Video begins to play showing teams warming up.


Phi Mu and Phi Sigma Sigma members formed two teams, Black and Red, and they practiced days before the big day.

Video changes to Miya Reed Interviewing Bailey Cooper.


Alright, I’m Miya Reed and today I’m here with,


Bailey Cooper


And we’re over here at the Greek Week Powderpuff game. How do you think the game is going so far?


Um, so right now I’m having tons of fun. I know technically our team is winning by two touchdowns, I think now three, but I mean we’re just having tons of fun out here. And obviously beautiful day out, so just super excited.

Video begins to play showing teams playing against each other and running.


The game quickly began to heat up. Women from both teams began to make plays, cheer each other on, and score touchdowns.

Video changes to Miya Reed Interviewing Cody Hanna.


Alright, today I’m here with,




And how did you get involved with the Powderpuff?


Being a part of FSL, we’re trying to be more united and we’re, they decided to put some Phi Mu Deltas coaches in for the Powderpuff game, and I got subbed in for one of the other coaches.

Video begins to play showing Phi Mu Delta halftime and both teams celebrating at the end of the game.


The game closed with a score of 49 to 21, bringing a win to the black team.


Alright, today I’m here with,




And how did you get involved with the Powderpuff?


Being a part of FSL, we’re trying to be more united and we’re, they decided to

put some Phi Mu Deltas coaches in for the Powderpuff game, and I got

subbed in for one of the other coaches.

Video begins to play showing Phi Mu Delta halftime and both teams celebrating at

the end of the game.


The game closed with a score of 49 to 21, bringing a win to the black team.

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About the Contributors
Shannon O'Hara
Shannon O'Hara, Reporter
Shannon O'Hara is a senior business communication major with a minor in music. She is from Milford, Delaware, and is involved in multiple organizations across campus including Phi Sigma Sigma and the Communication Hub. You can often times find her capturing and managing content as a Senior Ambassador for the Stevenson University Ambassador Program. Shannon hopes to pursue marketing and sponsorship in the entertainment industry post-graduation.
Miya Reed
Miya Reed, Reporter
Miya is a sophomore business communication major with a professional minor in entrepreneurship and small business development as well as an additional minor in marketing. She is from a small town on the Canadian border called Franklin, Vermont. Outside of her involvement with The Villager, Miya spends her time visiting local coffee shops and enjoying slow-paced mornings with her cat Pudding.
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