Adulting 101 is a series of seminars focused on helping soon-to-be graduates prepare for the real world after

finishing school. This semester, the Senior Class Council will host two events focused on life after graduation and after a successful job search.
Maumi Chatterton, the Senior Class Council Advisor and assistant to Claire Moore, vice president for Student Affairs, said, “Adulting is hard. We wanted to find a way to help seniors prepare to become adults in the real world.”
The first seminar of the semester will take place on March 2 at 7 p.m. in Rockland and will cover what to do after leaving the nest. Professionals from the area, as well as alumni, will discuss topics including how to establish credit, what to do about student loans, whether to buy or lease a car and how to start budgeting for the future. A local apartment complex representative will also be discussing what graduates need in order to get their first apartment lease.
Stevenson University is known for its job placement rate for graduates. The process of securing a contract, understanding health care options and making sense of tax documents can be overwhelming and confusing. This seminar will teach students how to read and understand these forms so that they will feel confident when they must make choices in the future.
On April 6 at 7 p.m. in Rockland, the offices of Career Services and Alumni Relations will host a networking happy hour. The goal is to teach future grads what to do and what not to do when attending a work happy hour or networking event for their company.
“Networking is important,” Chatterton explained. “We want you to know what to do.”
Beer and wine will be served, but the purpose of the event is to educate students about how to have the most beneficial experience for themselves and their company at one of these events.
Chatterton said that there are many reasons why seniors should be excited to come to an Adulting 101 event. To top it off, each time they attend, they will receive a raffle ticket that will be entered to win prizes, including a large diploma frame at the end of the semester.
With so much to learn after graduation, the Adulting 101 seminars hope to help students get a head start on life after college.