Stevenson University’s policies that guide how sexual misconduct on campus is handled are frequently updated and re-evaluated. Aside from what is detailed in the university’s student policy manual, students should be aware of the university’s guidelines and suggestions for action following both on-campus and, in some situations, off-campus misconduct.
Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.
It is important to note that the number of incidents on campus are minimal. In 2016 (the year for which the latest data is available) there were a total of three rape cases, five stalking occurrences and 11 dating violence incidents reported on-campus. Nevertheless, knowledge can be a valuable tool in any circumstance.
According to the Stevenson Title IX, the university believes that all members of the Stevenson community have the right to be free from all acts of sexual misconduct. The community and its visitors, regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, are advised that any sexual misconduct is prohibited. Stevenson relies on the members of the Security staff to help keep the campus secure.
“Stevenson security is committed to providing safety for all complainants,” said Greg Cullison, director of campus security. “The sense of safety and low crime rate on campus is one of the many reasons I choose Stevenson,” said Haley Chapman, freshman biology major.
Although security is not authorized to investigate assault cases, they are trained to handle the safety of the respondent and take the next step to ensure the respondent is comfortable on campus.
The entire Stevenson faculty and staff are educated on the procedures and policies regarding gender-based sexual misconduct. Employees at Stevenson University must report all incidents to Pamela Barkett, vice president, human resources/Title IX coordinator.
“At Stevenson, we focus on three areas: prevention education, security and student conduct,” said Barkett.
In 2016, Stevenson was awarded a federal grant from the Office on Violence Against Women. As part of the award, Stevenson will participate in a shared prevention marketing campaign with the message that Baltimore colleges and universities do not tolerate sexual violence.
To uphold this grant, Barkett and the Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) will be introducing B.R.A.V.E (Bringing Respect and Advocacy for Violence-free Environment) to Stevenson. The purpose of B.R.A.V.E is to create a culture of support for survivors of sexual violence.
The CCRT aims to empower members of the Stevenson community in eliminating sexual misconduct through prevention education and innovative strategies that raise awareness of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.
To learn more about Title IX and the university’s gender-based sexual misconduct policies, visit
To report a sexual misconduct incident, contact campus security at 443-352-4500, Barkett at 443-334-2176 or fill out a report form at