The Club Workshop Series offers opportunities created by Stevenson University’s Student Activities office last year that can help every club on campus. Held on the last Tuesday of each month in the Rockland B conference room at 5 p.m., the workshops provide a chance for Stevenson clubs and organizations to share ideas, work through challenges, and learn how others function.

According to Phil Gatling, the assistant director of Student Activities, the event was created after Student Activities noticed that many clubs were having planning, personnel and organizational difficulties.
These challenges allowed Student Activities the opportunity to select a topic of concern from students, and give them time to discuss those topics during the workshops.
Topics of discussion included student planning and preparing for the year, as well as learning about other clubs and what they’re doing, said Tranel Robinson, student coordinator for Student Activities. According to Robinson, “Students are able to take notes and get new strategies to run their club.”
“We start with an introduction of the topic,” said Gatling. “Then we do an ice breaker, followed by an interactive discussion and activity.” The session closes with reflections by the students.
Over 60 clubs are invited to participate. Each workshop is led by certain clubs; thus far, past discussions have been led by RISE Club, Sigma Alpha Pi (SAP), and the Student Government Association (SGA). If a club is interested in leading a session, they can either express interest during one of the workshops, or they can email Gatling or Robinson through campus email.
Although this series of events is designed for clubs, all students are welcome to participate in the discussion. For more information on the club workshop series, students can visit the Student Activities office on the second floor of Rockland or visit the Student Activities section in the SU Now Portal.
The next two workshop events will be held on Oct. 30 (“Self Care”) and Nov. 27 (“Effective Communication”).