From the Office of the Provost, April 7, 2020
Dear Stevenson Students,
I hope you are doing well despite these trying circumstances. Given the escalating COVID-19 pandemic and associated disruption to living and learning, Stevenson University is implementing a temporary opt-in change to the grading system for undergraduate students enrolled in Spring 2020 semester and Spring 8-week-2 term courses. This option is available only to students in Stevenson’s undergraduate programs.

The University’s standard A—F grading system remains the default for all students, and faculty will still enter the earned letter grade for all students at the end of the semester. The temporary change permits our undergraduate students to opt into an alternative Pass/D/Fail grading system on a course-by-course basis this semester.
In this temporary new system, you will be able to see the grade you earned in a course and then make a decision as to whether to leave the letter grade on your transcript or convert it to a Pass/D/Fail. The deadline for you to opt into the Pass/D/Fail grading system for one or more courses is Monday, June 1, 2020, which is one week after final grades are posted.
We have created a web page Optional Pass/D/Fail Grading System for Spring 2020 Semester that outlines how this optional grading system works. Please review it thoroughly. It is important to recognize that the Pass/D/Fail option is not appropriate in all situations. Opting for Pass/D/Fail is not a decision to make lightly. There are many reasons why earning a letter grade is important, and you must be fully informed prior to making the decision. Therefore, you should review the Pass/D/Fail Information and FAQs and consult with your Success Coach or Academic Advisor prior to making the decision.
Also, please be advised that the last date to withdraw from a class has been extended to April 24, 2020.
We hope this temporary, optional change to the grading scale offers some measure of relief to you. Supporting each other during this time of great global challenge is a natural manifestation of the strength of community for which Stevenson is well known. The physical distance between us does not lessen the vitality of our connection, and the prevailing spirit of community will continue to reinforce us during these unsettled times.
Warm wishes to you and your loved ones for safety and good health.
Susan Thompson Gorman, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost