The Office of Career Services has the tools to accelerate students into their chosen career fields. Career success depends upon an appropriate interview outfit. This semester, Career Services has implemented a new program called the SUccess Closet. In this closet, students can obtain a professional outfit needed for a job interview or networking event.
According to Jacqueline Goetz, event and marketing coordinator of Career Services, “many students do not own appropriate clothing for professional situations and often do not have the funds to purchase items.” The SUccess closet allows students to search for and keep up to one full professional outfit, which typically consists of three pieces of clothing.
Stevenson professors also advocate professional attire for presentations. Career Services is aware of many students’ inability to purchase expensive professional clothing, whether it’s due to lack of access or funds, this is why they have made it possible for every student to have the opportunity to thrive.
The SUccess Closet program is expected to launch this semester on April 4 and is expected to last as long as Career Services is active. Goetz mentioned that other institutions, such as Towson University, have similar services in their Career Services departments. The idea is that when students look their best, they feel their best, and inherently they will be able to do their best, whether it’s at an interview or an academic presentation.
The concept of the SUccess closet is arriving at the perfect time. With many events coming up, such as the Veteran’s Career and Networking Event that Career Services is sponsoring at Towson University, students will be able to put this new resource to use.
For more information, or to obtain clothing from the SUccess closet, visit the Office of Career Services, located on the first floor of Wooded Way. Students may also take advantage of their other services such as resume reviews, mock interviews, internship and job search strategies and help on Handshake accounts.
SUccess Closet hopes to establish the professional attire students need for their future success. The goal of this new program is to prevent students from having an excuse as to why they cannot dress up for their group presentations or an important interview.