Stevenson rolled out a symptom tracker challenge this spring to encourage students to track their symptoms and aid in managing the COVID-19 cases on campus. With students moving back into the residence halls and opting for in-person classes, Stevenson’s Wellness Center is pushing for students to track their symptoms daily. Students who track their symptoms every day during the challenge period will be given a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card.
The symptom tracker challenge gives students the opportunity to track their physical conditions on a daily basis. Doing this helps lessen the risk of students spreading germs and promotes a safe environment for all.
According to a recent CDC article, “Symptoms of Coronavirus,” some symptoms students should be sure to lookout for are fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea. Even if students do not exhibit any of these symptoms, Wellness still encourages them to complete the tracker system every day to ensure their safety, the safety of others, and to have the opportunity to win a $25 Amazon gift card.
According to Stevenson Wellness Center Administrative coordinator, Christie Sleeth, “The symptom tracker helps the Stevenson community by identifying symptoms early and being able to identify possible Covid-19 cases before the virus has a chance to spread to others. The challenge is meant to reward those students who complete their symptom tracker consistently and help to keep Stevenson safe.”
The Symptom Tracker Challenge occurs for one week during every month throughout the semester. Round two has just been completed and round three will be taking place on April 5 – April 11. Up to five students will be awarded a $25 Amazon gift card for tracking their symptoms every day.
When filling out the symptom tracker, students will be asked a few questions, including (1) if they’re currently living on campus, (2) if they’ve recently been in close contact with a carrier of the virus or tested positive, and (3) whether or not they have received the vaccine. By answering those few questions, students can enter to win the gift card by filling it out consistently every day during the designated challenge period.
For students who participate, entries can be submitted online here. Students can reach out to Christie Sleeth, [email protected], for more information.