December marks the end of another productive and busy semester. However, for a number of students, this month will also mark the end of their time as undergraduates at Stevenson as they graduate and move on to officially becoming alumni.     

Aubrey Gerhardt was among those expressing how she will feel once she graduates later this month.  

“I love Stevenson, and I love everything that I’m involved in here, and it’s going to be very sad to leave it all behind,” she said. “Deciding to graduate early was a very hard decision because I want to spend as much time at Stevenson that I can.” 

Gerhardt will be graduating with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, with a minor in psychology. What does she recommend to those still at SU? 

“Get involved in as much as you can so you enjoy your time here,” she said. “Go to every single event and soak up the time that you do have.” 

Morgan Simard is also among those who will be graduating this month. She plans on beginning her master’s program through the McDaniel College for Clinical Mental Health Counseling in the spring.  

Simard said her motivation to graduate early from Stevenson began a few years ago as a senior in high school.  

“I wanted to get my schooling done as quickly as possible, and since I had free time during my senior year of high school, I didn’t see any reason to not get a head start with college classes,” Simard said. “I had gotten college credit from an AP Psychology in high school, so I came into freshman year of college with a whole semester worth of credits already.”  

Thomas Markey shared a few words reflecting on his experience during his time here at Stevenson.  

“Stevenson has been great to me, but I feel the time is right to enter the real world and start building a career path for myself,” Markey said. “While I am sad to move out of my apartment with the roommates I’ve had all four years, I am happy to be graduating. I will miss them and will surely come back to visit, but I feel ready to move on.”  

Markey plans on entering the world of pro soccer after he graduates, as he currently has two part-time positions lined up as part of the sporting operations staff for two pro soccer clubs in Washington, D.C. Markey also mentions why his decision to graduate early will benefit him with his post-Stevenson endeavors.  

“The job market is what prompted me to graduate early” Markey said. “The professional soccer season begins in late January/February, so I figured it would be convenient to graduate in December and move straight into a full-length pro season. The timing worked out perfectly, and I am able to apply before other potential candidates.” 

Connor Lutts will be graduating this month with a bachelor’s in business communication. Lutts emphasizes the importance of going into a career path that suits you for what you want to achieve.  

“Follow your own path and just be yourself with whatever career you wish to pursue or passions you may have,” Lutts said. “Be yourself, enjoy life, follow your passion, and never give up. It’s as simple as that, just keep on pushing no matter what.”  

Lastly, Senior Class Representative Matthew Abell shared his thoughts regarding Stevenson’s December graduates.   

“The early graduates from the class of 2023 have demonstrated nothing short of persistence and passion,” Abell said. “Against all odds, these students have successfully graduated from Stevenson, many of which going above and beyond in academics and extracurriculars. If there is one thing that is true about the December graduates of 2023, it is that they can demonstrate determination in the face of disaster.” 

The Villager staff congratulates those who are graduating from Stevenson this month and wishes all the best of luck with their future endeavors!