Every once in a while you may meet someone who is extremely friendly and is willing to help out with anything that needs to be done. Often, however, these people do not get the recognition that they deserve. Most of the time they are not looking for recognition — they are just doing what is right.

One person who deserves recognition is Kyle Holochek, a Stevenson business administration alum and former lacrosse player.
Holochek has always tried to help in the community and be a part of any kind of fundraiser. Three weeks ago, he saw an opportunity to help children with Down syndrome and other disabilities at a local hockey rink.
He embraced this opportunity and made it a priority. His job was to help the children get familiar and comfortable in a new environment and with a new experience. Many of the children had never tried ice-skating before, so it was a new experience for them.
Holochek began by helping the children pick out the equipment they wanted to wear for the day.
“Nothing could beat the pure joy and excitement on their faces,” said Holochek, as he looked back on that day. He wanted to make sure the children were happy with what they wearing because the day was for them.
He then went on to teach them how to skate on the ice. He knew they were going to fall but, he said, “the laughter on their faces when they fell was just so amazing. They would fall and get right back up laughing. It’s inspirational in a way.”
According to Holochek, the children enjoyed every moment of the event. “I have never had a better experience in my life. The amount of fun they had that day and all the things they learned, it was overall the best experience ever. I will definitely be looking for another opportunity to be a part of another event like this.”