Stevenson will host the second annual “Start Something that Matters” event on Oct. 28 in the Rockland Banquet Hall. Led by the director of student engagement, Morgan Somerville, this event hopes to encourage students to aim to change the world in any way they can.
The event is inspired by the inventor of Toms shoes, Blake Mycoskie, who created the brand to help people in underdeveloped countries get shoes. With the success of the company, Mycoskie created the “Start Something that Matters” movement with an accompanying documentary. This movement highlights seven people who are trying to change the world while encouraging others to do the same.

Stevenson’s “Start Something that Matters” event hopes to inspire students to make even small changes to the world, and their surrounding community. There will be a showing of Mycoskie’s documentary and creative activities, including life coaching icebreaker hybrids and workshops that encourage students to explore what they are passionate about.
Members from the community will help with the event, and two keynote speakers will tell their stories to participants. Both of these people started something that matters to them, and are trying to help people around the world.
Andrea Kuchinski started a company called Thick to Thin Apparel, an athletic apparel company for women of all sizes. Bailey Ulbricht started Paper Airplane Tutoring, an international tutoring system through Skype to teach refugees English.
Somerville said that she’s excited to host these two speakers because it will give students the opportunity to hear their stories, network, get inspired, develop new ideas and enjoy the event.
Interested students should RSVP for the event. For more information about “Start Something that Matters,” check the Stevenson Portal.