Throughout the spring 2016 semester, the Office of Student Activities will be hosting events to promote
education, awareness, and conversation about diversity. In previous years, Stevenson has sponsored a Multicultural Awareness week, but this year the sessions will be stretched across an entire semester.
The kickoff event will be held on March 3 at 7 p.m. featuring Mitzi Sinnott, a diversity advocate, who focuses on getting college campuses involved and talking about different cultures. World Hijab Day, Jewish Student Association Purim Party, and Ash Wednesday observance, are just a few of the sessions involved in this series.
In December, students had the opportunity to voice their opinions in an open forum with Stevenson President, Dr. Kevin J. Manning, as the university’s leaders recognized the importance of open conversations about diversity. Kipp Colvin, assistant vice president of Student Activities, said, “That [the community forum] is where this whole conversation started and opened up…literally cracking the mold of diversity inclusion.”
Diversity Ambassadors promote inclusion and diversity in the community. Diversity Ambassador, Audrey Yankah, said, “You’re the only one who knows what you’re feeling on the inside, and it’s up to you to let people know.”
The topics included in discussions about diversity are wide-ranging. Some students have said, for instance, that their health conditions don’t allow them to eat much of the food at Rockland Marketplace. Some students are afraid that if they speak up to their professors, then that will cost them their grade. Cross-cultural issues such as these have become the substance of some of the diversity conversations.