Stevenson University has welcomed a new face to the Sports Information Director position in Mustang athletics. Greg Royce joined Stevenson University after spending eight years at his alma mater, Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), a Division II athletics school, where he served as the Director of Athletics Communication.
Royce describes his job at Stevenson as “anything that has to do with the face, externally, of Stevenson athletics.” His job includes upkeep of design and content on the GoMustangSports site, the athletics’ social media, live statistics at home games and sports webcasts.
While he recognized that the move from New England to Baltimore may seem unusual to some, Royce said that what sparked his interest in Stevenson University was the opportunity to find himself in more of an administrative role. After speaking with colleagues in the area, Royce was pleased to learn that Stevenson was on the same page as his prior place of employment with its strong commitment to athletics and innovation.
Throughout the hiring process, Royce said he spoke with some of the coaching staff at Stevenson; after these discussions, Royce knew Stevenson was a place where he could make an impact. Since his arrival in October 2015, Royce believes even more strongly that there is a great potential for his career to grow along with the 27 varsity teams.
Royce credits his time working within the sports information office at SNHU during his undergraduate years for directing him to the career path he has today.
“I went in not knowing what I wanted to do. I knew I loved sports and I wanted to work in business. I worked there [as an undergraduate] for three years and that translated into a career after graduation,” he explained.
Working within collegiate athletics takes a certain personality, and Royce says his favorite part of the job is being able to impact college-aged students as athletes and as people, adding that it is rewarding to be able to watch these student athletes grow, have families and prosper. He especially enjoys being able to see students he taught at conferences and know that he had a hand in their career choice.
Looking forward to Stevenson University’s future, Royce is excited to announce that the next big step in Mustang athletics will be a website redesign. Royce believes that the website has been the same for a few years and that it is time to make a change. The athletics staff is excited to unveil something that will make an immediate impact on how families, recruits, and athletes view Stevenson University athletics.
Royce credits Joe Wamba, athletics video producer, and Samantha Murray, interim assistant sports information director, for helping to make his transition to Stevenson smooth.
Royce believes strongly about his choice to join Mustang athletics, knowing it is the right place for him. Following in Stevenson’s tradition of excellence, Royce was pleased at the warm welcome into the close-knit community of Stevenson University, adding, “The student athletes have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome.”