Vision boards are trending everywhere, and Stevenson’s campus is no exception. Over three vision board events have been hosted this semester. What are vision boards, and why are they so popular?
If you’ve ever heard the quote, “Seeing is believing,” then you’ll know exactly what a vision board represents. Vision boards are used to focus on a life goal in an effort to inspire the creator to make it a reality. Whether it is losing weight, incorporating more positivity into your life or fulfilling a career goal, vision boards are used to symbolize the vision you have for your life.
Why are they so popular?
Vision boards are an easy source of inspiration. Much like studying, the more you look at it, the more space it has in your mind. Students often get so caught up in the daily tasks of everyday life that they neglect their passions and push their goals to the side. Forcing yourself to face those goals on a daily basis is not only inspiring, but it is an unavoidable reminder of what is important.
Vision boards can also be used for self-reflection. While some have a clear vision of what they want to do, what they want to have and who they want to be, the vision can be blurry for others. Taking the time to compile the different elements that make them feel fulfilled can lead to discover things about themselves that may not have been realized. By looking at the finished product one can realize that he or she is working towards material things, or that family time needs more space in that person’s life.
Making a vision board is simple; it can be as extravagant and costly or crafty and budget-friendly as one desires. Here are three of common vision board:
- Technical: Using a program such as Adobe or Microsoft, find photos and icons on the internet and assemble. Get super technical with the features or keep it simple with a basic collage and inspirational words or quotes.
- Crafty: Grab a poster board and a stack of favorite magazines. Use favorite stickers, cut-outs and crafts to personalize the board. Let creativity take over.
- Extravagant: Display the vision board on an actual canvas or with high quality paper and an elegant frame. Stick to an aesthetically pleasing color scheme and make sure the photos work well together while simultaneously capturing the vision.
Vision boards are both a fun activity and a learning experience. Whether used just as an activity to do with friends or for figuring out the next step in life, the vision board is multifunctional and can be a fulfilling project.