Campus Crusade for Christ’s spring semester is just getting started. “Cru” has begun men’s and women’s Bible study groups on campus, as well as a worship night. Cru will also partner with Towson University‘s Campus Crusade organization and a local Baltimore group to distribute sandwiches on the April 14.

On Friday nights, Cru holds a men’s Bible study group at 6:30 p.m. in Garrison Hall North, room 114. Meetings are led by students Paul Farrell and Peter Appiah. The Bible study includes fellowship, biblical studies, and games.
The women’s Bible study is held on Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m. in Herring Run residence hall, and is led by student Caitlin Knight. Cru also holds large group meetings on Thursday nights.
“Cru has its weekly meetings on Thursday nights in Rockland B at 7 p.m. We are always welcoming new people and would love to see new faces!” said Knight.
Knight serves on the executive board for Cru as the event planner. She first started attending Cru events last year and got involved with the board during the 2017 fall semester.
Outside of the weekly events, Cru will host two events this spring: the first will be a worship night and the second a sandwich handout.
The worship night event will be held in the Rockland banquet hall on March 28 at 7 p.m. It is a collaboration between Cru, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Black Student Union Gospel Choir, Call United Church of Owings Mills and Horizon Church of Owings Mills. Stevenson alum Mark Schuit from Horizon Church will be the guest speaker for the event. Cru will provide food for those who attend.
The joint sandwich handout event will be held on April 14. Stevenson’s Cru will join Towson University’s organization and a local Baltimore group to help feed the homeless in downtown Baltimore. The team will be focusing on the Inner Harbor and the surrounding area.
Farrell is the current president of Cru on campus, becoming a member of in his freshman year after attending a fall involvement fair.
“Cru to me means being a part of a community where people care about you personally and your relationship with Jesus Christ,” he said. “It is a family of believers that not only care about your spiritual walk, but you personally. I have formed a lot of close friendships and gained a lot of mentors who care about me and my future,” he added.
Farrell is currently involved in planning for the Mid-Atlantic Cru conference which normally involves over 1500 students.
“It is really easy to get involved with Cru. We have both an email list and a GroupMe if you want to be kept up-to-date with events and weekly activities,” said Morgan LaMonica, a member of the group who is the SGA representative for Cru on campus. She also helps co-lead the Wednesday night women’s Bible study.
Students interested in joining Campus Crusade for Christ are encouraged to join the large group meetings on Thursday nights as well as get involved in one of the two bible study groups held on campus.
For addition information students can email or text “SUCRU” to 85005 to be added to Cru’s contact list.