On September 25, 2020, Stevenson finalized its agreement with the State of Maryland and took full possession of the former Rosewood Center located just east of the main Owings Mills campus. Home to many impressive structures on campus, from Mustang Stadium, to the newly built Dell Family Pathway, Stevenson is dedicated to improving facilities on the campus.
According to John Buettner, Vice President of Marketing and Digital Communications, the university is now owner of two parcels of land, totaling 117 acres as a whole. This new addition will be known as Owings Mills East and will provide more recreational and athletic facilities for the students at Stevenson.

Buettner explained that the new campus will serve as an athletic and recreational hub that will provide space for the expansion of the current facilities at Stevenson. He stated, “The university anticipates the property will ultimately encompass a track and field complex, multipurpose turf and grass fields, and baseball and softball fields, as well as access roads, parking, and athletic maintenances and equipment facilities.” Currently, there is no track, baseball, or softball field located on the Stevenson campus, so the addition of Owings Mills East will bring more convenience to those student athletes and coaches.
Building the new campus is expected to be completed within 18 months. Buettner reports that $16.7 million in grants has been given to Stevenson from the State of Maryland to complete a majority of the project. This will include demolition of old buildings, the removal of debris, environmental remediation, and storm water management. In order to complete the athletic fields, equipment facilities, and site grading of the new campus, the university will be investing an additional $6.5 million into completing the project. “It is, indeed, a very exciting development for our students,” said Stevenson University President Elliot Hirshman.

Although COVID-19 has placed a hold on many projects and businesses worldwide, this is not the case with Owings Mills East preparations. “The COVID-19 pandemic has not had any significant impact on the site preparation and grading. Work is proceeding as scheduled,” said Buettner.
Students, athletes, and faculty who are anticipating the developments to the new campus are excited to see it come to life and look forward to having more athletic facilities on campus, especially students whose practice fields were off campus. “Owings Mills East expands our Owings Mills campus and offers additional recreational resources for students, not just for intercollegiate competition, but for club and intramural sports and fitness,” Buettner added.
For more information and updates about the building of the Owing Mills East campus please contact the president’s office at Stevenson University or visit www.stevenson.edu.