Break out the white t-shirts and smooth dance moves because Paint U is coming to SU. On April 2, DJs will splatter vibrant paint across the dance floor in the apartment quad. When paint and dancing come together, the night is guaranteed to be a good one.

Mustang Activities and Programming (MAP) is bringing back Paint U because of the event’s success during new student orientation week. The dance will be from 9 p.m. to midnight and is free for everyone. Up to 40 non-Stevenson students will be admitted to the dance.
The first 600 people will get sunglasses with the MAP logo printed on the side. Sunglasses, glow junk and more goodies are also up for grabs.
MAP believes that this dance will benefit everyone on campus because it is so unique. The Paint U event has been held only during new student orientation week, so the majority of the student population has not had the chance to get sprayed with paint.
Keyara Blackmon, MAP student assistant, said, “It [the dance] is different. There’s gonna be paint, it’s gonna be messy and just a whole bunch of fun.” Together with Hope Miller, the assistant director of student activities, Blackmon has been working tirelessly to ensure the event is epic.
She is excited for this event because, she said, “The paint puts a different spin on the typical dances we have here.” For more information about the dance, talk to any “mappie” or check the SU Portal. Although the paint may fade away, the memories will last.