SidelineSwap is a new way for athletes to connect with other athletes selling sporting goods. It’s a website that makes it easy to buy, sell and trade sports items that are no longer wanted.

SidelineSwap has built a community where members can safely, simply and seamlessly transact. Shoppers can browse and buy from other members’ lockers, and track their items from shipment to delivery. The site provides a great service for athletes at all levels.
Realizing that all athletes growing up collect a lot of apparel and gear that they will eventually discard, the site gives athletes the opportunity to get rid of the old gear and apparel and possibly make a little cash from it or swap it with another athlete for something they have. SidelineSwap’s main sport right now is lacrosse, but it is slowly starting to branch out into other sports.
The demographic for SidelineSwap varies. First are the Gear Heads who love the unique gear and apparel SidelineSwap has to offer. They will do

anything they need to get the item. Next are typical high school and college athletes who have so much gear and apparel from their high school and college teams that their garages are overflowing. The last demographic are alumni who are simply looking for a way to reconnect with their alma mater, and the site allows these people to do just that.
SidelineSwap does a good job delivering what it says it will for its members. SidelineSwap is very user-friendly and has strong customer service. It is very simple to navigate through the site, but those who do have a problem can chat with customer service who will usually answer within ten minutes. The buying transaction is very simple: once shoppers have bought an item, they are able to track its every move until it is at their front door.
I recommend SidelineSwap to anyone who has a surplus of athletic gear and apparel. It’s a great place to find great gear inexpensively. Shoppers will not be able to find similar deals for quality gear anywhere else.