As the fall semester started, many students feared what the new parking regulations for Owings Mills North would include. Most were nervous about how the timing of the shuttles would affect traveling among campuses.

However, with the help of the accommodating transportation members, students will be able to take a shuttle from the Owings Mills North campus and head to either the Owings Mills campus or the Greenspring campus. Tim Ostendarp, former head of security, stated that the shuttle ride could take anywhere from around 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the route. Shuttle schedules are available on the Portal and as handouts on all campuses.
“In order to accommodate the residents, we would have to put at least 1,100 additional parking spaces in,” Tim Ostendarp said.
The Stevenson University Student Government Association (SGA) has also been involved in the process of listening to the many concerns of the students.“There is an Owings Mills Planning Committee,” said Emilee Thursby, an SGA member. This committee has been holding brainstorming sessions to discuss the concerns of students and to figure out ways to make life at Stevenson easier for everyone.
Ostendarp also stated, “While transportation and parking may sound like a major issue to many of the students, the main concern has been getting faculty and commuters used to the new system”. In order for faculty and commuter students to gain entry to the Owings Mills North campus, they must use their university I.D.
Since most of the faculty and students are unfamiliar with the new system, it has taken some time for the new procedures to come together. However, members of Stevenson’s security and transportation teams have been very patient with everyone, and they have been willing to help those who are lost and/or in need of guidance.
Many different people and groups have been involved in making transportation and parking a little less chaotic. Employees from Sodexo, Stevenson’s food service, and employees from the Registrar’s Office are just a few of the groups, among others, helping to resolve the issues.
One recent change to the parking rules includes that resident students will be allowed to park on the Owings Mills North campus during certain hours during the week. According to Claire Moore, Vice President for Student Affairs, “The Owings Mills North parking lots will now have open parking on weekday evenings starting at 5:00 p.m. Parking will also be open on the Owings Mills North lots on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.”
Students who still have transportation concerns should contact Security to discuss getting a shuttle to their location.