Stevenson University will host its free annual spring concerts, the Concert Band performance and La Primavera, on May 2 and May 5 in the Inscape Theatre on the Greenspring campus.

The Concert Band performance is scheduled for May 2 at 7:30 p.m. This ensemble is under the direction of Mark Lortz, director of bands, and will showcase the harmonic talents of Stevenson students.
The band will perform five songs, including Robert W. Smith’s “Encanto” and Michael Markowski’s “The Cave You Fear.” Lortz composed a piece titled “Johnston Fanfare.”
The variety of songs helped the band focus on producing a dark and rich sound, according to band member Alexis Harris, who added that at each practice the band focused on enhancing the quality of the music. They also worked on producing a well-balanced ensemble, which Harris looks forward to performing with.
When selecting musical pieces, Lortz said he considered the ensemble’s strengths as well as how interesting the piece will be to the audience. He said that he is looking forward to sharing the collective work in a communal musical performance.
La Primavera, the concert that features the University Singers under the direction of Dr. Robert Suggs, professor of music, and the Ukelele Ensemble, under the direction of Jared Denhard, director of the ensemble, is scheduled for May 5 at 7:30 p.m.
The ukulele group of about 25 students will perform pieces personally prepared by Denhard, while the University Singers will perform pieces that were previously selected, explained Suggs. Both groups have learned and practiced all semester, and at the end of the performance both ensembles will come together for a final piece.
This year, the University Singers is an all-female group, which is the main influence for the closing piece of the concert being Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want To Have Fun,” said Suggs.
The performance will be a relaxed one that showcases all of the talent and dedication that the students have put forth, Suggs added. With Suggs’ retirement approaching, this will be one of his final performances to commemorate his legacy at Stevenson University.