As students prepare for finals, moving out will be the final step for residents. The Residence Life staff works together ensure a smooth transition, beginning with sending out emails and placing reminders on students’ doors. Move week takes place during finals week, May 7 – 11. During this time, bins will be placed across campus to help with trash disposal.

During move week, resident assistants place a sign-out sheet on the door of each resident’s room. This sheet serves as a checklist for students to make sure their rooms are cleaned properly. The requirements include setting the thermometer back to room temperature, cleaning up stains that may be on the walls, ensuring that electrical appliances are not plugged in, cleaning the floors and bathrooms of each dorm building and packing extra belongings that were not in the room prior to the student’s arrival.
Resident assistant Taylor Washington said, “To make the moving process easier, students should be proactive by taking clothes home when the season is over and participating in Leave Steve Green to leave behind items that they do not need.”
“Leave Steve Green” is a food and clothing drive held at the end of the each semester. Diamon Clark, of the Center for Environmental Stewardship, explains that the drive is a way to help students dispose of usable items.
For convenience, clothing and food bins were placed on April 30 in each residence hall as well as the end of May 16. The bins will be in additional areas including the School of Business and in the Ratcliffe Community Center. The contributions will be donated to thrift shops like Savers and local shelters in the Owings Mills area. Leave Steve Green will occur on Friday, May 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants will meet at the Ratcliffe Community Center.
When students are packed and ready to leave, they have to sign the move-out form placed on the door of the residence hall room with the date and time included. Students’ personal belongings are taken with them out of the residence hall. Bins are found in each building that can help the student move large amounts of personal items. Once students are packed, they have to visit the Office of Residence Life in Ratcliffe to return the residence hall room key. Failure to return the key will result in a fine. Once all the requirements have been met, students are free to leave the campus and enjoy their summer break.