The Stevenson University store, the Starting Gate, is currently having a 20 percent off holiday sale on nearly everything until Friday, Dec. 20.

The sale will include all regularly priced clothing and gift items excluding food, electronics, drinks and graduation items. The store will also hold a raffle with the purchase of a CoCa Cola bottle for a chance to win a large CoCa Cola bear. Every purchaser of a CoCa Cola bottle will have the opportunity to write their name down in the raffle for a chance to win the bear, the winner of the raffle will be picked on Friday, Dec. 13.
Furthermore, according to Sylvia Schiaffino, assistant manager of the store, the store was moved to make it more convenient and to become more central to the university space. Shiaffino also believes that a lot of people at Stevenson are unaware of exactly how many items are sold in the store other than books, clothing and school-spirit items.
Donovan Hale, a resident on campus, agrees that the moving of the school store has made purchases a lot more convenient, and students go there more often since it’s closer. He also was unaware that the store sold candy, electronics and gift cards.

The store also sells many items including toiletries, key chains, candy, chips, business gifts, and even birthday cards, which are all located in the back of the store near the register. Phone cases, popsockets, phone chargers and a shatterproof screen are also sold to make shopping off-campus unnecessary. Stevenson license plates and mugs are located in the front of the store for easy sale.
The Microsoft Pro 50 is one of the newest electronic items at the store. In order to purchase this device, customers must walk to the register and ask for it. This device is a laptop and a tablet in one, giving users everything a regular computer can do with a touch screen.
The store hours vary: Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m.; on Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., and on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Sunday is the only day the store is regularly closed. For the holidays the store days and hours will not be the same as normal, being open for five days out of the week instead of six from Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
The school store is not just for books but can also provide students with everything they may need without leaving campus.