Stevenson has a new popular Instagram page

The Styling U contributors created a branded platform about fashion, complete with their own logo.

Last year there were several anonymous accounts that related to Stevenson’s campus and students. While most of those accounts are no longer active, @stylingu_ is a new Instagram account that features the fashion and style of Stevenson students. 

Styling U did not want their identity to be revealed but did share that the account is run by four different members as part of a project for their Social Media Marketing class. All of the contributors behind Styling U are passionate about fashion and self-expression, and some of them major or minor in Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising. 

“Our goal for Styling U is to create a fashion community not only on our social media, but everywhere on campus,” said a member of the account. “Everyone’s style is unique, and we support those wanting to explore their style and self-expression.” 

The project required groups to choose a topic of interest and create a brand for it on three different social media platforms. In addition to the Instagram page, Styling U can also be found on Tik Tok @stylingu325_ and Pinterest @stylingu325. So far students seem to have a positive reaction to the social media accounts. 

“In the past four weeks we have gained many followers, noticed increased engagement, and have appreciated the willingness to follow our brand,” Styling U went on to say. 

Styling U focuses on students and encourages students to tag the page when posting outfits or send in pictures of their outfits. 

“The style of Stevenson University students is diverse and unique in everyone’s own way. There are so many trends that intersect with comfortable yet casual that are seen on campus.” 

Styling U appreciates all the support their accounts have gotten so far and encourages the Stevenson community is to “continue to explore the realms of fashion and always express your own style.”