A new walking group at Stevenson University will stroll across the Dell Family Pathway every Friday at 4 p.m.

Students and staff are welcome to participate and walk across the pathway. Those who want to walk with the group can meet in Ratcliffe every Friday, according to Marina Fulcher, the leader of the walking group and a peer educator at Stevenson University. Water bottles are provided, and participants are invited to join the club for dinner after walking the pathway, said Fulcher.
The peer educators, a group who serves as part of the Wellness Center at Stevenson, began the walking group as an initiative to promote an active lifestyle. According to Fulcher, the group is designed to get people “out of their dorms and exercise.” Walking with others can be a stress relief after a busy week of classes and homework, said Fulcher.
The peer educators’ goals, which, according to Stevenson University’s website, are to promote a culture of responsibility, compassion, and respect to support students and personal success.
According to Stevenson’s website, the peer educators are “R.E.A.L.,” which stands for Responsible Education Awareness Leaders. They are involved in several healthy initiatives in conjunction with the Wellness Center.
According to Fulcher, the walking group is still in the process of planning future locations of the walks, but for now the group walks to and from Ratcliffe using the Dell Family Pathway.
Those interested in joining the club to get some exercise, fresh air and socialize with friends can contact Marina Fulcher, Linda Reymann, or Tina Gigioli through campus email. Students can also contact the Wellness Center directly for more information.