The COVID-19 pandemic caused many universities to evacuate all of their resident students for the rest of the spring semester, but not everyone has had the opportunity to leave campus just yet, meaning new rules and ways of living are required for the few still living on campus.

Due to travel restrictions or other special circumstances, some residents have been given the opportunity to stay in the residence halls until they can guarantee a safe return to their families and friends. With the smaller number of students and the ever-changing federal and state orders to stop the spread of the coronavirus, new rules are in place for those still at Stevenson.
An official email from Stevenson’s Housing and Residence Life Office updated residents that they would not be able to come to campus to get their belongings currently, noting, “As planned for the initial move-out, we will provide a two-week window for residents to return to move out, when safe to do so.”
The email also stressed to residents that their residence halls are secure, adding that the windows are being locked, trash cans will be emptied, perishable items will be removed and doors will be locked.
Sophomore resident student Dannielle Decastro is one of the few still living on campus during this pandemic, the only person in her suite of normally three people. Describing living at the school right now, she said, “It’s been boring and weird since I don’t see a lot of people on campus.”
New rules in the residence halls address the safety of those still on campus. Decastro explained: “We aren’t allowed to have guests anymore, trash has to be thrown in the dumpster outside the building, and there are no longer meal swipes.” This is all to help prevent the spread of the virus and increase the security of the residence halls.

The school has also recommended current residents change some of their behaviors: “They have told us to minimize going outside but to stay active. Everything is closed except Rockland,” said Decastro. New guidelines for the Rockland Marketplace have also been put into effect in order to follow the new state carryout only guidelines, according to Decastro.
Some of the details in the guidelines for dining at Rockland include consolidated hours, with brunch from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. A big change is the new carryout system in place at the dining hall, requiring that students enter through the Pandinis’ patio entrance, submit an order slip, and wait for their meal at the register.
Residents who have left campus will be able to return to grab their things at specified times. Emails have been sent including a window of time during which residents may retrieve their belongings. See this article for more information.