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Stevenson Villager

Stevenson Villager

Stevenson Villager

Services offered to help with de-stressing

Services offered to help with de-stressing

Alaina Steg April 20, 2016

As the semester is coming to an end and finals are quickly approaching, it is important for students to understand the detrimental effects of stress and the many services Stevenson provides to ensure students...

Exhibit showcases photos of Italy

Alaina Steg March 23, 2016

In spring 2015, the School of Design hosted a trip for 32 photography students to explore “Ten Italian Cities in Ten Days,” an experience which has been captured in an exhibit called Dieci Citta. On...

Workshop on protest planned

Alaina Steg February 17, 2016

After the diversity forum that occurred at the end of the fall, 2015 semester and the many questions and concerns students expressed, Claire Moore, vice president of Student Affairs, suggested that an...

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