The Office of Student Activities hosted spring semester’s Leaderstang in Rockland Feb. 5 and 6. This year Dan Schwartz, assistant director of student activities, wanted to give the leadership sessions a new look.
The theme was ‘Star Wars: Your Club Awakens.’ All sessions and workshops were titled to fit the Star Wars theme. All of Stevenson’s clubs and organizations were in attendance, and every club was required to have at least two students representing them each day.
Leaderstang helps clubs and organizations become more educated on leaderships skills. In the past, Leaderstang was more formal, but this year, more breaks and engaging activities created a less formal setting.
Friday night’s activities were aimed at club executive boards. Topics and sessions included executive board transition, club constitutions, and the rebirth of SU’s scheduler. Saturday’s workshops focused on individual club members and how they fit in with their club.
Some of the guest speakers for the day included Claire Moore, vice president of Student Affairs, Bonnie McGahee, resident director, as well as Dr. Heather Harris, professor of business communication. McGahee talked to the student leaders about conflict styles and recognizing individual strengths and weaknesses. Harris spoke to students about working towards cultural competencies.
After lunch, student leaders were in charge of the next set of sessions. “Organizing your club,” was run by Emily Ringenbach, president of All Natural, while Andrew Grimm and Emma Ragon, co-presidents of 47 House, talked about rebranding a club. According to Schwartz, Leaderstand is going through a type of rebranding of its own. The changes that took place this semester will begin to shape Leaderstang into a even more beneficial leadership conference for student leaders in the future.