Workout Madness, hosted by the International Student Association (ISA), will be held on Feb. 25, 2016, in the Rockland Banquet room from 7-8 p.m.
The theme for Workout Madness will be Karate/Boot Camp. Workout Madness is an event ISA tries to hold at least twice a semester, according to Zsa-Maine Brookshire, president of ISA.
Brookshire said, “Each session there is a themed exercise for our peers to enjoy. We have done belly dancing, hula hooping, and capoeira.” The event was created to help students enjoy exercising in a fun and exciting way, according to Brookshire.
“Our outcome for these events vary throughout,” said Brookshire, “but I would say roughly around 20 people attend.” Brookshire hopes this event will encourage people to join the ISA club and continue to exercise regularly. ISA was the first group to bring Zumba to campus a few year ago.
Maumi Chatterton, assistant to the vice president of student affairs, said that the event is always popular and the attendees have a great time. The event promotes healthy eating and a lifestyle that matches, including healthy snacks at the end of the workout.
Those who attend will learn new moves, pick up karate yips, and get a stress-reducing workout. “I love Workout Madness,” said Chatterton. “It always offers new experiences.”

While Workout Madness is a one-night event, Zumba classes are taking place on alternating Mondays and Thursdays from 7- 8 p.m. in the Garrison Hall Warehouse.
The class is taught by certified Zumba instructor Ally Bowers. The program will run for the entire semester, and it is free for all Stevenson students. Daniel Schwartz, assistant director of student activities, said that students had expressed an interest in fitness classes on campus, and his staff responded. Other groups on campus host yoga and other similar classes.
Schwartz said, “We held a Zumba event before finals last year and asked the participants if they would want a regularly scheduled class. They said yes, so we set it up.”