The head coach of Stevenson University women’s volleyball team, Dave Trumbo, has reached the 10-year milestone in his career as a Mustang.

Trumbo said he began coaching volleyball when he was working with emotionally disturbed teenagers in a psychiatric institution.
“I didn’t know a thing about volleyball back then,” he admitted, “so I started talking to people and reading, and my teams started doing well at the psychiatric institution.” This experience led him to coaching volleyball at Liberty High School, and eventually to being hired at Stevenson University.
Trumbo claims his coaching style has not changed since he’s started. He gives his current assistant coaches, Brent and Lara Whitehead, a great deal of responsibility and freedom to make decisions.“They are able to make a tremendous impact,” he said.
The coach has consistently emphasized the importance of team building.
“Learning how to be a team and play a role on a team is probably one of the biggest lessons we learn,” he said. His players have a real say in the strategy behind the practices and games, he added.
“I believe we have one of the best teams since we’ve been here, even though our record [11-7 as of 9/27] does not indicate that,” said Trumbo. The team suffered five consecutive losses between Sept. 16 and 21, but the coach explained that the team knew it would be a challenging week.

Kristen Brooks, outside hitter and senior captain of the team, agreed that the year has offered some challenges.
“Our record may not be where we want it right now, but with every loss, we are learning something. Every time we play a game, we’re taking away something that will help us get to where we want to be.”
Both Trumbo and Brooks made it clear that the team is thankful for the continuing support of other Mustangs, and that they plan to compete in and win the NCAA championships.
Rebounding from that five-game losing streak, the Mustangs traveled to Lycoming College on Sept. 24, where they faced Hood College and host Lycoming in a Middle Atlantic Commonwealth Conference battle. Stevenson was victorious with straight-set wins against both teams, with an outstanding play by junior Annika Schwartz, who is closing in on 1,000 kills in her career.