As an effort to further build a community among diverse backgrounds and ideologies, a Religious Social on Sept. 22 from 6 – 9 p.m. allowed students to meet and mingle with others from different religious organizations.
Seven clubs were in attendance at the event held in the Rockland banquet room.These organizations included Bethel Campus Fellowship, Catholic Campus Ministry, Campus Crusade for Christ, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Jewish Student Association, Muslim Student Association, and Mustangs for Christ. Students who were not a part of a religious organization were also invited to attend.

During the event, there were light refreshments, casual conversations, games, and laughter. Junior Paul Farrell, who helped organize the event, said, “The social was very interactive. Students weren’t just able to get more knowledge about the faith-based groups on campus, but there were opportunities to have fun as well.”
Heidy Mohamed, Arwa Salhab, Rachel Rudo, Rebecca Reimer, and Andrew Schmidt were among those who helped plan and orchestrate this event for both the clubs and students.
Icebreaker games helped students familiarize themselves with each organization. After games were played, members from each organization presented information about the group’s identity. which led to engaging conversation. Upcoming events and meetings were also noted for interested students.
After the event, some students stayed to gather more information from the organizers. Those in charge of the event also debriefed about the event’s success compared to previous events. Overall, each faith-based organization enjoyed the social and appreciated the exposure they received.
For more information about faith-based clubs, students can visit the Stevenson University Portal for a list of each organization and how to contact the leaders.