As the semester comes to an end and graduation approaches, there are a few things that the Registrar’s Office would like all seniors to know.

On the day of graduation, graduates should arrive at Knott Hall about 45 minutes before their ceremony. As students check in, they will each be given a color-coded card with their name on it, which will be used to announce their name as they walk across the stage. The color of the index card designates the school from which they will graduate, and the number on the card designates the procession order.
Last year, the registrar’s office began using a software called Name Coach, for graduates to record their name on for the deans to enunciate names correctly.
Registrar Tracey Bolt said, “It is really important that your name gets pronounced as you walk across the stage, and the name needs to be announced correctly. I think it’s a matter of respect as graduates.”
A link to Name Coach has been emailed to all seniors. Once opened, students will have the opportunity to record their name several times in order for the dean of their school to become familiar with the pronunciation. Each school’s dean reads out students’ names during Commencement.
Mortarboard decoration will be permitted for graduation; however, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. All decorations must be flat on the cap, such as breads and jewels. Anything sticking off the top or hanging down is not permitted. Make sure the tassel on the mortarboard is on the right side of the hat as the ceremony begins. “Once you cross the stage, the tassel moves to the left side because you have left college,” said Bolt.
Each graduating student will receive five guest tickets, and all guests must have a ticket to enter the gym. However, there will be extra seating available in the Inscape Theatre where the ceremony will be streamed live on a big screen. For additional friends and family who are unable to make the graduation on the Greenspring campus, the ceremony will also be broadcasted live online at
Those who are confused about any of the information or have questions, contact the registrar’s office located on the Greenspring campus.